function snpm_combo_pp(CWD) % SnPM post processing and results display % FORMAT snpm_combo_pp(CWD) % % CWD - Directory containing SnPM results files % % If CWD is not specified then user is prompted to locate results file SnPM.mat % %___________________________________________________________________ % % snpm_combo_pp.m is the post-processing function for combined % voxel-cluster size inference. This program is a modified version % of snpm_pp.m used in SnPM. % % Before using this program, first you should have run the "setup" and % "compute" steps of SnPM. In the setup step, you should specify % to assess cluster extent. Otherwise you will not be able to % perform a cluster size test, and thus no combined test either. % % Based on SnPM_ST.mat, the supra-threshold portion of all the % realizations, this program calculates, (a) partial test p-values % or voxel test p-values and cluster size test p-values, then % (b) combined functions based on p-values from (a), then (c) % calculates p-values for combined tests, and finally (d) % calculates the meta-combining function and perform the meta- % combined test. This program stores information from all the % clusters in all the permutations. So for the steps (c)-(d), % this recorded cluster information is used without doing % further permutations. % % Details regarding the combined and meta-combined tests % are found in % % Hayasaka S, and Nichols TE. (2004) % Combining Voxel Intensity and Cluster Extent with % Permutation Test Framework. % Available at % % THIS IS A BETA VERSION. THE PROGRAM IS STILL BEING TESTED! % %-------------------------------------------------------- % Based on spm_snpm_pp.m v2.5 Andrew Holmes % @(#)snpm_combo_pp.m 3.22 Satoru Hayasaka 05/04/10 %-Setup %======================================================================= fprintf('\nSnPM: snpm_combo_pp\n'),fprintf('%c','='*ones(1,72)),fprintf('\n') MLver=version;MLver=MLver(1); %-Initialise variables & constants %----------------------------------------------------------------------- tol = 1e-4; % Tolerance for comparing real numbers % Two reals with abs(a-b)=ST_Ut) tmp = spm_input(sprintf(... 'Primary threshold (>%4.2f)',ST_Ut),'+0'); end else while ~(tmp>=ST_Ut & tmp=ST_Ut | (tmp>0 & tmp<=pU_ST_Ut)) tmp = spm_input(sprintf(... 'Threshold (p<=%4.2f I t>=%4.2f)',pU_ST_Ut,ST_Ut),'+0'); end else pU_C_MaxT = 1-spm_Tcdf(C_MaxT,df); while ~((tmp>=ST_Ut & tmppU_C_MaxT & tmp<=pU_ST_Ut)) tmp = spm_input(sprintf(... 'Ut (%4.2f1-tol) Theta = spm_input('Theta value for voxel-cluster combining?', ... '+1','e',0.5); tmpTheta = Theta; end mTheta = Theta/(1-Theta); %-Weight for mass combining %-Picking which combining test iW = spm_input('Choose combining function',1,'b', ... 'Fisher|Tippet|Mass|All',[1:4],1); end %-Show permutation distributions? %----------------------------------------------------------------------- %ShwDst = spm_input('Display permutation distribution[s]?','+1','y/n',[1,0],1); ShwDst = 1; %======================================================================= %- C O M P U T A T I O N %======================================================================= set(Finter,'Pointer','Watch') %-Calculate distribution of Maximum Suprathreshold Cluster size %-Calculate critical Suprathreshold Cluster Size %======================================================================= if bSpatEx fprintf('Working on spatial extent...\n'); %-Compute suprathreshold voxels - check there are some %--------------------------------------------------------------- fprintf('\tComputing suprathreshold voxels...'); Q = find(SnPMt > ST_Ut); SnPMt = SnPMt(Q); XYZ = XYZ(:,Q); if isempty(Q) set(Finter,'Pointer','Arrow') figure(Fgraph) axis off text(0,0.97,CWD,'Fontsize',16,'FontWeight','Bold'); text(0,0.93,sprintf('No voxels above threshold %4.2f',ST_Ut)); ShowDist(MaxT,C_MaxT); return end fprintf('done\n') %-Load & condition statistics %--------------------------------------------------------------- fprintf('\tLoading & conditioning SupraThreshold statistics...'); load(fullfile(CWD,'SnPM_ST')) %-SnPM_ST stores columns of [x;y;z;abs(t);perm] with perm negative % where the exceedence was t < -ST_Ut_0 %-Trim statistics according to threshold ST_Ut, if ST_Ut > ST_Ut_0 tmp = find(SnPM_ST(4,:)>ST_Ut); SnPM_ST = SnPM_ST(:,tmp); clear tmp; %-Negate perm numbers if looking at negative contrast if bNeg SnPM_ST(5,:) = -SnPM_ST(5,:); end if bhPerms %-Renumber negative perms according to -flipud PiCond tQ = SnPM_ST(5,:)<0; SnPM_ST(5,tQ) = nPerm +1 +SnPM_ST(5,tQ); else %-Not bhPerms: Lose entries for negative excursions SnPM_ST = SnPM_ST(:,SnPM_ST(5,:)>0); end fprintf('done\n') %-Calculate distribution of Maximum SupraThreshold Cluster size %--------------------------------------------------------------- % ClInfo = [x;y;z;ClusterPeak;ClusterSize;ClusterMass;ClusterInd;Perm] ClInfo = []; fprintf('\tComputing dist. of max SupraThreshold cluster size: '); MaxSTCS = zeros(nPerm,1); SetLvl = zeros(nPerm,1); fprintf('Perms left: '); for i = nPerm:-1:1 if (rem(i,10)==0); fprintf('\b\b\b\b%-4u',i); end tQ = (SnPM_ST(5,:)==i); if any(tQ) %-Filter out data for this perm subSnPM_ST = SnPM_ST(:,tQ); %-Compute cluster labellings for this perm %===== SnPM99 change ================= Locs_mm = SnPM_ST(1:3,tQ); Locs_mm (4,:) = 1; Locs_vox = IMAT * Locs_mm; %===== SnPM99 change ================= tmp = spm_clusters(Locs_vox(1:3,:)); %-Work out maximum cluster size (honest!) SetLvl(i) = max(tmp); tmpCS = zeros(1,SetLvl(i)); tmpCS = diff(find([diff([0,sort(tmp)]),1])); MaxSTCS(i) = max(tmpCS); for j=1:SetLvl(i) %-Recording peak, its location, and excess mass % then creates a big vector ClInfo with % all cluster info tmpCLoc = find(tmp==j); subsubST = subSnPM_ST(:,tmpCLoc); [tmpPeak tmpPLoc] = max(subsubST(4,:)); tmpXYZ = subsubST(1:3,tmpPLoc); tmpMass = sum((subsubST(4,:)-ST_Ut).^mTheta); tmpVec = [tmpXYZ; tmpPeak; tmpCS(j); tmpMass; j; i]; ClInfo = [ClInfo tmpVec]; end end end clear tmpCS tmpCLoc tmpPeak tmpPLoc tmpXYZ tmpMass tmpVec; fprintf('\b\b\b\bdone\n'); %-Save perm 1 stats for use later - [X;Y;Z;T;perm;STCno] STCstats = [ SnPM_ST(:,tQ); tmp]; %-Compute critical SupraThreshold Cluster size [StMaxSTCS, iStMaxSTCS] = sort(MaxSTCS); if alpha < 1 C_STCS = StMaxSTCS(c); else C_STCS = 0; end %-Check XYZ for points > ST_Ut in perm 1 matches % XYZ computed above for SnPMt > ST_Ut if ~all(all( SnPM_ST(1:3,SnPM_ST(5,:)==1) == XYZ )) error('ST XYZ don''t match between STCS & thresh') end %-- VOXEL CLUSTER COMBINED TEST STATISTICS ---- %-- Assigning each voxel corrected voxel and cluster p-values % then calculate the combining functions % CorrPs = [Vox p; Cl p; Fisher p; Tippet p; ExcessMass p; Meta p] % ComboF = [Fisher Wf; Tippet Wt; Excess mass Wm; Meta Wa] CorrPs = ones(6,size(ClInfo,2)); ComboF = zeros(4,size(ClInfo,2)); fprintf('Calculating corr p-values for each voxel / cluster\n'); for ip = 1:(nPerm-1) if rem(ip,50)==0, fprintf('.'), end Qvox = find(ClInfo(4,:)>StMaxT(ip)); CorrPs(1,Qvox) = (nPerm-ip)/nPerm; Qcl = find(ClInfo(5,:)>StMaxSTCS(ip)); CorrPs(2,Qcl) = (nPerm-ip)/nPerm; end fprintf('.Done!\n'); fprintf('Calculating voxel-cluster combining functions\n'); ComboF(1,:) = -2*(2*Theta*log(CorrPs(1,:)) + ... 2*(1-Theta)*log(CorrPs(2,:))); ComboF(2,:) = 1 - min(2*Theta*log(CorrPs(1,:)), ... 2*(1-Theta)*log(CorrPs(2,:))); ComboF(3,:) = ClInfo(6,:); fprintf('.Done!\n'); %-- Corrected p-value for combo function MaxWf = zeros(nPerm,1); MaxWt = zeros(nPerm,1); MaxWm = zeros(nPerm,1); for i=1:nPerm QPerm = find(ClInfo(8,:) == i); if ~isempty(QPerm) tmpWf = ComboF(1,QPerm); MaxWf(i) = max(tmpWf); tmpWt = ComboF(2,QPerm); MaxWt(i) = max(tmpWt); tmpWm = ComboF(3,QPerm); MaxWm(i) = max(tmpWm); end end [StMaxWf iStMaxWf] = sort(MaxWf); [StMaxWt iStMaxWt] = sort(MaxWt); [StMaxWm iStMaxWm] = sort(MaxWm); C_Wcomb = zeros(4,1); if alpha < 1 C_Wcomb(1) = StMaxWf(c); C_Wcomb(2) = StMaxWt(c); C_Wcomb(3) = StMaxWm(c); else C_Wcomb(1) = 0; C_Wcomb(2) = 0; C_Wcomb(3) = 0; end fprintf('Calculating corr p-values for combining functions\n'); for ip = 1:(nPerm-1) if rem(ip,50)==0, fprintf('.'), end Qcomb = find(ComboF(1,:)>StMaxWf(ip)); CorrPs(3,Qcomb) = (nPerm-ip)/nPerm; Qcomb = find(ComboF(2,:)>StMaxWt(ip)); CorrPs(4,Qcomb) = (nPerm-ip)/nPerm; Qcomb = find(ComboF(3,:)>StMaxWm(ip)); CorrPs(5,Qcomb) = (nPerm-ip)/nPerm; end fprintf('.Done!\n'); % % Doing Meta-combining % %-First, calculate the meta statistic fprintf('Calculating meta-combining function\n'); ComboF(4,:) = 1 - min([log(CorrPs(3,:))' ... log(CorrPs(4,:))' log(CorrPs(5,:))'],[],2)'; % Then calculate the max meta-combining function MaxWa = zeros(nPerm,1); for ip=1:nPerm QPerm = find(ClInfo(8,:) == ip); if ~isempty(QPerm) tmpWa = ComboF(4,QPerm); MaxWa(ip) = max(tmpWa); end end % Corrected critical meta-statistic [StMaxWa iStMaxWa] = sort(MaxWa); if alpha < 1 C_Wcomb(4) = StMaxWa(c); else C_Wcomb(4) = 0; end % P-value calculation for meta-combining fprintf('Calculating corr p-values for meta-combining \n'); for ip = 1:(nPerm-1) if rem(ip,50)==0, fprintf('.'), end Qcomb = find(ComboF(4,:)>StMaxWa(ip)); CorrPs(6,Qcomb) = (nPerm-ip)/nPerm; end fprintf('.Done!\n'); % Combining all the MaxW distributions to be plotted later MaxW = [MaxWf; MaxWt; MaxWm; MaxWa]; end %-Save some time consuming results %----------------------------------------------------------------------- if bSpatEx, save SnPM_pp STCstats MaxSTCS SetLvl, end if bSpatEx, save SnPM_combo CorrPs ComboF ClInfo MaxWf MaxWt MaxWm MaxWa, end %-Filter data at specified corrected p-value alpha %======================================================================= if bSpatEx %-Analysing spatial extent %-NB:alpha==1 implies C_MaxT==C_STCS==0. % Since ST_Ut>0 filtering has no effect if alpha==1, so skip it. if alpha<1 %-Filter on significance of cluster size %--------------------------------------------------------------- fprintf('Filtering on cor.sig. at suprathreshold cluster level...'); nSTC = max(STCstats(6,:)); STCS = diff(find([diff([0,sort(STCstats(6,:))]),1])); Q = []; for i = 1:nSTC tQ = find(STCstats(6,:)==i); ttQ= find(ClInfo(7,:)==i & ClInfo(8,:)==1); if ( STCS(i) > C_STCS | max(STCstats(4,tQ)) > C_MaxT | ... max(ComboF(iW,ttQ)) > C_Wcomb(iW)) Q = [Q tQ]; end end if ~isempty(Q) SnPMt = SnPMt(Q); XYZ = XYZ(:,Q); STCstats = STCstats(:,Q); end fprintf('done\n') end else %-Truncate at critical threshold for level alpha test % NB if alpha==1 then C_MaxT is set to 0, and filter on +ve SnPMt fprintf('Filtering on cor.sig. at voxel level...'); Q = find(SnPMt > C_MaxT); if length(Q) SnPMt = SnPMt(Q); XYZ = XYZ(:,Q); end fprintf('done\n') end %-Return if there are no voxels %----------------------------------------------------------------------- if isempty(Q) set(Finter,'Pointer','Arrow') figure(Fgraph) axis off text(0,0.97,CWD,'Fontsize',16,'FontWeight','Bold'); tmp='voxels'; if bSpatEx, tmp='suprathreshold clusters'; end text(0,0.93,sprintf(... 'No %s significant at alpha=%6.4f (corrected)',tmp,alpha)); if bSpatEx, ShowDist(MaxT,C_MaxT,MaxSTCS,C_STCS); else ShowDist(MaxT,C_MaxT); end return end %-Characterize local excursions in terms of maxima: % #voxels STC_N; MaxTs STC_SnPMt; locations STC_XYZ, & region# STC_r %----------------------------------------------------------------------- %===== SnPM99 change ============================================= TempXYZmm = XYZ; TempXYZmm(4,:) = 1; TempXYZvoxel = IMAT*TempXYZmm; TempXYZvoxel= TempXYZvoxel(1:3,:); [STC_N, STC_SnPMt, STC_XYZ, STC_r] = spm_max(SnPMt,TempXYZvoxel); TempXYZvoxel = STC_XYZ; TempXYZvoxel(4,:) = 1; TempXYZmm = MAT * TempXYZvoxel; STC_XYZ = TempXYZmm(1:3,:); %===== SnPM99 change ============================================= %-Compute adjusted significances for local maxima, & regions (if required) %----------------------------------------------------------------------- Pt = ones(size(STC_r)); for i = 1:length(STC_r) %-Use a > b -tol rather than a >= b to avoid comparing reals Pt(i) = sum(MaxT > STC_SnPMt(i) -tol) / nPerm; end %if ~bVarSm % Pu = 1 - spm_Tcdf(STC_SnPMt,df); % end if bSpatEx %-Compute single step adjusted p-values for region size: pSTSC_SS Pn = ones(1,length(STC_r)); Ww = ones(4,length(STC_r)); Pw = ones(4,length(STC_r)); for i = 1:length(STC_r) Pn(i) = sum(MaxSTCS>=STC_N(i)) / nPerm; Qvox = find((ClInfo(1,:)==STC_XYZ(1,i)) & ... (ClInfo(2,:)==STC_XYZ(2,i)) & ... (ClInfo(3,:)==STC_XYZ(3,i)) & ... (ClInfo(8,:)==1)); if ~isempty(Qvox) Ww(:,i) = ComboF(:,Qvox); Pw(:,i) = CorrPs(3:6,Qvox); end end save('SnPM_combo','Ww','Pw','STC_XYZ','-append'); end %======================================================================= %-D I S P L A Y %======================================================================= figure(Fgraph) if (ShwDst) axis off if (bSpatEx) text(0,0.97,'Permutation Distribution','Fontsize',16,'FontWeight','Bold'); ShowDist(MaxT,C_MaxT,MaxSTCS,C_STCS); else text(0,0.97,'Permutation Distributions','Fontsize',16,'FontWeight','Bold'); ShowDist(MaxT,C_MaxT); end end % Change the style of pressing ' return' to clicking on a new button. %spm_print %disp('Press to continue'); pause if spm_input('Review permutation distributions.',1,'bd',... 'Print & Continue|Continue',[1,0],1) spm_print end spm_clf(Fgraph) %-Maximium intenisty projection of SPM{Z} %======================================================================= hmip = axes('Position',[0.05 0.5 0.5 0.5]); spm_mip(SnPMt,XYZ,MAT,DIM); axis image if bVarSm title('SnPM{Pseudo-t}','FontSize',16,'Fontweight','Bold') else title('SnPM{t}','FontSize',16,'Fontweight','Bold') end %-Design matrix and contrast %======================================================================= hDesMtx = axes('Position',[0.65 0.6 0.2 0.2]); imagesc((spm_DesMtx('Sca', [H,C,B,G],HCBGnames) + 1)*32) xlabel 'Design Matrix' set(hDesMtx,'XTick',[],'XTickLabel','') hConAxes = axes('Position',[0.65 0.8 0.2 0.1]); h = bar(CONT(1,:)); if MLver=='7', h=get(h,'children'), end hold on set(h,'FaceColor',[1 1 1]*.8) tX = get(h,'Xdata'); tY = get(h,'Ydata'); set(gca,'Xlim',[min(tX(:)) max(tX(:))]) title 'contrast'; axis off; hold off %-Table of regional effects %======================================================================= %-Table headings %----------------------------------------------------------------------- hTable = axes('Position',[0.1 0.1 0.8 0.46],... 'YLim',[0,27],'YLimMode','manual',... 'DefaultTextInterpreter','Tex',... 'DefaultTextVerticalAlignment','Baseline',... 'Visible','off'); % 'DefaultHorizontalAlignment','right',... y = 26; dy=1; text(0,y,['P values & statistics: ',spm_str_manip(CWD,'a40')],... 'FontSize',12,'FontWeight','Bold','Interpreter','none'); y = y -dy; line([0 1],[y y],'LineWidth',3,'Color','r') y = y -dy; tCol = [ 0.00 0.16 ... %-Cluster 0.25 0.43 ... %-combo cluster 0.55 0.71 ... %-Voxel 0.86 0.93 1.00]; %-XYZ PF = spm_platform('fonts'); %-Font names (for this platform) %-Construct table header %----------------------------------------------------------------------- set(gca,'DefaultTextFontName',PF.helvetica,'DefaultTextFontSize',10) Hp = []; h = text(0.10,y, 'cluster-level','FontSize',10,'HorizontalAlignment','Center' ); h = line([tCol(1),0.20],[1,1]*(y-dy/4),'LineWidth',0.5,'Color','r'); h = text(tCol(1),y-9*dy/8, '\itp_{corrected}'); Hp = [Hp,h]; h = text(tCol(2),y-9*dy/8, '\itk '); h = text(0.37,y, 'combo cluster-level','FontSize',10, 'HorizontalAlignment','Center'); Hp=[Hp,h]; h = line([tCol(3),0.50],[1,1]*(y-dy/4),'LineWidth',0.5,'Color','r'); Hp=[Hp,h]; h = text(tCol(3),y-9*dy/8, '\itp_{corrected}'); Hp = [Hp,h]; h = text(tCol(4),y-9*dy/8, '\itw '); Hp=[Hp,h]; text(0.67,y, 'voxel-level','FontSize',10, 'HorizontalAlignment','Center'); line([tCol(5),0.80],[1,1]*(y-dy/4),'LineWidth',0.5,'Color','r'); h = text(tCol(5),y-9*dy/8, '\itp_{FWE-corr}'); if ~bVarSm h = text(tCol(6),y-9*dy/8, '\itt'); else h = text(tCol(6)-0.02,y-9*dy/8, 'Pseudo-t'); end text(tCol(7),y-dy/2,'{x,y,z} mm','FontSize',10); y = y - 7*dy/4; line([0 1],[y y],'LineWidth',1,'Color','r') y = y - 5*dy/4; % text(0.00,y,'region','FontSize',10); %text(0.00,y,'size {k}','FontSize',10); %if bSpatEx % text(0.11,y,'P(K_{max}>= k)','FontSize',10); % text(0.62,y,'w','FontSize',10); % text(0.68,y,'P(W_{max}>= w)','FontSize',10); % %end % %text(0.35,y,'P(T_{max}>= u)','FontSize',10); % %text(0.84,y,'{x,y,z} mm','FontSize',10); %y = y -0.8; %line([0 1],[y y],'LineWidth',3,'Color',[0 0 0]) %y = y -1; Fmtst = { '%0.4f','%0.0f', ... %-cluster '%0.4f','%6.2f', ... %-combo cluster '%0.4f','%6.2f', ... %-voxel '%3.0f','%3.0f', '%3.0f'}; %-XYZ %-Column Locations %----------------------------------------------------------------------- %tCol = [ 0.08 0.18 0.33 ... % 0.44 0.66 0.76 ... % 0.86 0.93 1.00]; %-XYZ %-List of maxima %----------------------------------------------------------------------- r = 1; bUsed = zeros(size(STC_SnPMt)); while max(STC_SnPMt.*(~bUsed)) & (y > 3) [null, i] = max(STC_SnPMt.*(~bUsed)); % Largest t value j = find(STC_r == STC_r(i)); % Maxima in same region %-Print region and largest maximum %------------------------------------------------------------------- StrAttr = {'Fontsize',10,'ButtonDownFcn','get(gcbo, ''UserData'')',... 'HorizontalAlignment','right'}; StrAttrB = {StrAttr{:},'FontWeight','Bold'}; % text(0.00,y,sprintf('%0.0f',r),'UserData',r,StrAttrB{:}) if bSpatEx text(tCol(1)+0.09,y,sprintf(Fmtst{1},Pn(i)),... 'UserData',Pn(i),StrAttrB{:}) text(tCol(3)+0.08,y,sprintf(Fmtst{3},Pw(iW,i)),... 'UserData',Pw(iW,i),StrAttrB{:}) text(tCol(4)+0.04,y,sprintf(Fmtst{4},Ww(iW,i)),... 'UserData',Ww(iW,i),StrAttrB{:}) else set(Hp, 'Visible','off') end text(tCol(2)+0.03,y,sprintf(Fmtst{2},STC_N(i)),'UserData',STC_N(i),StrAttrB{:}) text(tCol(5)+0.08,y,sprintf(Fmtst{5},Pt(i)),... 'UserData',Pt(i),StrAttrB{:}) text(tCol(6)+0.04,y,sprintf(Fmtst{6},STC_SnPMt(i)),... 'UserData',STC_SnPMt(i),StrAttrB{:}) text(tCol(7),y,sprintf(Fmtst{7},STC_XYZ(1,i)),... 'UserData',STC_XYZ(:,i),StrAttrB{:}) text(tCol(8),y,sprintf(Fmtst{8},STC_XYZ(2,i)),... 'UserData',STC_XYZ(:,i),StrAttrB{:}) text(tCol(9),y,sprintf(Fmtst{9},STC_XYZ(3,i)),... 'UserData',STC_XYZ(:,i),StrAttrB{:}) y = y -1; %-Print up to 3 secondary maxima (>8mm apart) %------------------------------------------------------------------- [null, k] = sort(-STC_SnPMt(j)); % Sort on t value D = i; for i = 1:length(k) d = j(k(i)); if min( sqrt( sum((STC_XYZ(:,D) - ... STC_XYZ(:,d)*ones(1,size(D,2))).^2) ) ) > 8; if length(D) < 3 text(tCol(5)+0.08,y,sprintf(Fmtst{5},Pt(d)),... 'UserData',Pt(d),StrAttr{:}) text(tCol(6)+0.04,y,sprintf(Fmtst{6},STC_SnPMt(d)),... 'UserData',STC_SnPMt(d),StrAttr{:}) text(tCol(7),y,sprintf(Fmtst{7},STC_XYZ(1,d)),... 'UserData',STC_XYZ(:,d),StrAttr{:}) text(tCol(8),y,sprintf(Fmtst{8},STC_XYZ(2,d)),... 'UserData',STC_XYZ(:,d),StrAttr{:}) text(tCol(9),y,sprintf(Fmtst{9},STC_XYZ(3,d)),... 'UserData',STC_XYZ(:,d),StrAttr{:}) D = [D d]; y = y -1; end end end bUsed(j) = (bUsed(j) | 1 ); %-Mark maxima as "used" r = r + 1; % Next region end clear i j k D d r %-Footnote with SnPM parameters %======================================================================= line([0,1],[0.5,0.5],'LineWidth',1,'Color','r') y = 0; if bSpatEx tmp = sprintf('Threshold = %7.4f',ST_Ut); if ~bVarSm tmp=[tmp,sprintf(' (p = %6.4f)',spm_Tcdf(-ST_Ut,df))]; end text(0,y,tmp,'FontSize',8) text(0.7,y,sprintf('Critical STCS = %d voxels',C_STCS),'FontSize',8) y = y -0.8; end text(0,y,sprintf('alpha = %6.4f, df = %d',alpha,df),'FontSize',8) text(0.7,y,sprintf('Critical threshold = %7.4f',C_MaxT),'FontSize',8) y = y -0.8; text(0,y,sprintf('Volume = %d %5.2fx%5.2fx%5.2f mm voxels',... S,VOX(1),VOX(2),VOX(3)),'FontSize',8); y = y -0.8; text(0,y,sprintf('Design: %s',sDesign),'FontSize',8); y = y -0.8; text(0,y,sprintf('Perms: %s',sPiCond),'FontSize',8); if bVarSm y = y -0.8; text(0,y,sVarSm,'FontSize',8) end y = -1.6; NameW = {'Fisher','Tippet','Excess mass','Meta-combining'}; if bSpatEx text(0.7,y,sprintf('Combining function W: %s',NameW{iW}),'FontSize',8); y = y - 0.8; text(0.7,y,sprintf('Critical W = %7.4f',C_Wcomb(iW)),'FontSize',8); y = y - 0.8; text(0.7,y,sprintf('Theta = %4.2f',Theta),'FontSize',8); end %spm_print %Set a button, so the user can decide whether to print the page of results to if spm_input('Review results.',1,'bd','Print|Done',[1,0],1) spm_print end set(Finter,'Pointer','Arrow') %- Image output? %======================================================================= %-Write out filtered SnPMt? if WrtFlt Fname = WrtFltFn; %-Dont ask about t2z conversion %--------------------------------------------------------------- bt2z = 0; if ~bVarSm % bt2z = spm_input('Convert t -> z prior to writing?',... % '+1','y/n')=='y'; tmp = sprintf('SPMt - %d df',df); else tmp = 'SnPMt - pseudo t'; end %-Reconstruct filtered image from XYZ & SnPMt %--------------------------------------------------------------- t = zeros(1,prod(DIM)); if ~bt2z t(spm_xyz2e(XYZ,V)) = SnPMt; else t(spm_xyz2e(XYZ,V)) = spm_t2z(SnPMt,df); tmp = [tmp,' (Gaussianised)']; end if ~bSpatEx tmp=sprintf('%s p<%10g corrected @ voxel level',tmp,alpha); elseif bt2z tmp=sprintf('%s p<%10g corrected @ cluster level, u=%4.2',... tmp,alpha,spm_t2z(ST_Ut,df)); else tmp=sprintf('%s p<%10g corrected @ cluster level, u=%4.2',... tmp,alpha,ST_Ut,df); end %-Write out to analyze file %--------------------------------------------------------------- Vs = Vs0; Vs.fname = Fname; Vs.descrip = tmp; Vs = sf_create_vol(Vs); t = reshape(t,DIM); for p=1:Vs.dim(3) Vs = spm_write_plane(Vs,t(:,:,p),p); end Vs = sf_close_vol(Vs); clear t end %-Reset Interactive Window %----------------------------------------------------------------------- spm_figure('Clear','Interactive') function ShowDist(T,cT,C,cC) % % Display permutation distributions on current figure, using position % pos. % % We assume that the observed (aka correctly labeled data) are the first % element in the distribution. % pos1 = [0.125 0.50 0.75 0.3]; pos2 = [0.125 0.08 0.75 0.3]; % % Display intensity perm dist % % Bin width rule from Scott, "Multivariate Density Estimation", 1992, pg 55. % axes('position',pos1) BinWd = 3.5*std(T)*length(T)^(-1/3); nBin = floor((max(T)-min(T))/BinWd)+1; nBin = min(max(nBin,10),50); hist(T,nBin); set(get(gca,'Children'),'FaceColor',[.5 .5 .5]) title('Permutation Distribution: Maximum Statistic','FontSize',14) Ylim = get(gca,'ylim'); Xlim = get(gca,'xlim'); line(T(1)*[1 1],Ylim.*[1 0.95],'LineStyle',':'); text(T(1)+diff(Xlim)*0.01,Ylim(2)*0.95,'Observed','FontSize',10) line(cT*[1 1],Ylim.*[1 0.85],'LineStyle','-'); text(cT+diff(Xlim)*0.01,Ylim(2)*0.85,'Threshold','FontSize',10); if (nargin>2) % % Display cluster size perm dist % axes('position',pos2) BinWd = 3.5*std(C)*length(C)^(-1/3); nBin = floor((max(C)-min(C))/BinWd)+1; nBin = min(max(nBin,10),50); hist(C,nBin); set(get(gca,'Children'),'FaceColor',[.5 .5 .5]) title('Permutation Distribution: Maximum Cluster Size','FontSize',14) Ylim = get(gca,'ylim'); Xlim = get(gca,'xlim'); line(C(1)*[1 1],Ylim.*[1 0.95],'LineStyle',':'); text(C(1)+diff(Xlim)*0.01,Ylim(2)*0.95,'Observed','FontSize',10) line(cC*[1 1],Ylim.*[1 0.85],'LineStyle','-'); text(cC+diff(Xlim)*0.01,Ylim(2)*0.85,'Threshold','FontSize',10) end return function Vs = sf_create_vol(Vs) switch spm('ver') case 'SPM99' Vs = spm_create_image(Vs); case 'SPM2' Vs = spm_create_vol(Vs); end return function Vs = sf_close_vol(Vs) switch spm('ver') case 'SPM99' % n/a; File closed by spm_write_plane case 'SPM2' Vs = spm_close_vol(Vs); end return