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Japanese 2 (LL225)_2122



This module is offered to students with some prior knowledge of Japanese (GCSE level or Language Centre Japanese 1 or equivalent).

Main Objectives:

This module aims to enable students:

● to understand and produce language in familiar and routine situations, using frequently used expressions
● to develop strategies for language learning
● to work towards / achieve A2.1 of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference)

Successful completion of Japanese 2 qualifies students to progress to Japanese 3.


This module is available for 24 or 30 credits.


21-week online teaching, each of which will include:

  • Asynchronous pre-recorded video(s) - accessible through Moodle, to be studied before the synchronous session
  • 2-hour online synchronous session in small group on MS Teams
  • Independent study & homework


Students are reminded that 1 credit = 10 hours of study, therefore the minimum expected amount of study over the course of this module is 240 hours. 10 hours of study a week on average will be required including independent study.


Term 1 - interim test (10%) - scheduled on Saturday, 11 December 2021

Term 3 - one reading/writing test (50%) + one speaking test (40%)



Course Texts

The following textbook must be bought by students.

  • Minna no Nihongo Shokyu l Dai 2-Han (2nd edition) Honsatsu (Main Text) ISBN: 9784883196036

NB: Students need to buy this edition.

NB: The second half of the book will be used for this module.

The following two books are highly recommended for students to buy

  • Minna no Nihongo Shokyu l Dai 2-Han (2nd edition) Honyaku Bunpo Kaisetsu Eigo-ban (Translation and Grammar Notes - English) ISBN: 9784883196043 
  • Minna no Nihongo Shokyu I Dai 2-Han (2nd edition) Shokyu de Yomeru Topikku 25 (Reading Comprehension Text) ISBN: 9784883196890

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the module, students should become able to:

  • apply a basic knowledge of grammar
  • gain insight into everyday life in Japan
  • apply strategies for understanding gist and short descriptions
  • interact about familiar topics and activities
  • write simple texts giving background information and relating to areas of immediate need, using correct characters


The syllabus will include the following:

Communicative situations:
  • asking for permission
  • expressing prohibition
  • making comparisons
  • asking for preference
  • expressing ability or possibility
  • expressing opinions etc.
Grammatical contents:
  • “te-form” of verbs and adjectives
  • dictionary forms and "nai-form" of verbs
  • modifying clauses etc.
  • some basic Kanji (Chinese characters)